Native Instruments Synthetic Drums Vol.2 Battery2 Kontakt 英文光碟正式版 (音色取樣)
Native Instruments Synthetic Drums Vol.2 Battery2 Kontakt 英文光碟正式版 (音色取樣)
Synthetic Drums 2 是 Native Instruments 新近推出的重磅股鼓和打擊樂音色庫
是和超過 20 個電子音樂製作任何聲音設計師合作開發而成。該音色包提供了 36
套用於電子音樂的鼓組——包括 techno 和 house, hiphop, R&B, ambient,
two-step, drum&bass, tech funk, IDM, breakbeat, electro, industrial,
electronica, big beat, downbeat, experimental 和 avantgarde 風格。
所有鼓組都採用 Battery 2 和 Kontakt 兩種格式,支援兩種取樣器的所有可操作
功能。針對每個鼓組均有展示的 MIDI 檔案和 MP3 檔案,方便快速找到需要鼓組
當今國際上流行的音色格式有很多種,其中主要有 AKAI、ROLAND、EMU、GIGA、
SAMPLETANK、HoneRiSO、KONTAKT 等,其中只有 AKAI 是兼容性最強的音色格式
AKAI 格式的音色碟,所以也是目前音色種類及數量最豐富的音色格式。另外還
有一種最受歡迎的音色格式是 GIGASAMPLE 格式,GIGASTUDIO 是目前最流行的
PC 機軟體采樣音源,他可以實現最佳的采樣音質,一個音色可以最大支援到
1GB 的容量,所以GIGA 格式制做的音色碟通常都是經典中的經典,而且實際的
Sample CDs 與 LOOPs 音色取樣光碟的朋友又有福了,在 BBS 很多同好跟
HoneR 建議多收藏一些 Sample CDs 與 LOOPs 音色取樣光碟的朋友,小弟沒讓
你們失望了吧,這套音色取樣的特色有著多變化的生成套件工具與 Loops 形態
是 CDXtract 以 及 Chicken Translator,沒錢買硬體音源的朋友反而有福了!
Inspired by the overwhelming success of the SYNTHETIC DRUMS 1,
Native Instruments has produced a further sample library packed
full with amazing, electronic drum kits. Native Instruments was
successful in hiring the services of renowned, international
artists from various electronic genres to produce this eclectic
collection of kits. The result is a selection of 36 unique and
contemporary drum kits with more than 2000 samples that instantly
distinguish themselves from other drum sample libraries.
International Artists
All of the drum kits included in SYTHETIC DRUMS 2 were produced
by internationally-renowned producers. Native Instuments would like
to thank the following artists for their incredible contribution
to the SYNTHETIC DRUMS 2 sample collection:
Speedy J/Funkarma, Telefon Tel Aviv, Lusine, Chris Liebing,
Funkst顤ung, Eden, Jake Mandell, Freeform, Plaid, Richard Devine,
Simon Pyke, Smyglyssna, Kai Tracid, Atom Heart, Se隳r Coconut,
Murcof, Bob Humid, Sutekh, Einoma, Junkie XL, Exile, Dan Curtin,
MRI, Andrew Phillpott/Christian Eigner, Pendulum, Rob Acid, 瀉e.
Electrifying Beats
SYNTHETIC DRUMS 2 offers a huge selection of inspiring sounds.
From earth-shuddering bass samples and snares that cut straight
through the mix to effects that instantly capture the imagination,
this collection encompasses an extremely wide range of electronic
styles. Whether House or Hiphop, IDM or UKG, Techno or Trance,
R'n'B or D'n'B, Old School or Nu Skool - SYNTHETIC DRUMS 2 has
its finger on the pulse.
Sample Twisting
The over 2400 samples have all been produced exclusively for
Synthetic Drums 2. A huge arsenal of equipment was used to create
the sounds. The samples themselves were subjected to a lengthy
production process involving numerous effects, filters, ring
modulators, compressors, frequency shifters, granular samplers
and so on. All of the producers were given complete artistic
freedom, resulting in an extremely varied and individual set
of kits. Every kit also has a short demo sound-clip that has
been produced exclusively with the samples from that kit. A MIDI
file is also included, offering an insight into how the clip was
The 36 drum kits have all been optimized for use with BATTERY 2
and KONTAKT, making heavy use of the varied sound processing
features such as filters, loops, velocity, effects and
modulation. The resultsare extremely diverse and distinctive
sounds that can be quickly trimmed to individual needs in
BATTERY 2 and KONTAKT. All the samples are included in 24-bit
/ 44.1 KHz WAV format. To give an overview of what is available,
SYNTHETIC DRUMS 2 also contains special kits that group all the
bass drums, all the snares, all the toms and so on into individual