Signwave Auto-Illustrator V1.1 for WIN/MAC 英文光碟正式版
破解說明:安裝序號: 5098-3882-62584CB7-5745
Signwave Auto-Illustrator V1.1 for WIN/MAC 英文光碟正式版
圖編輯軟體。市價:新台幣 5860元。
Signwave Auto-Illustrator is an experimental, semi-autonomous, generative
software artwork and a fully functional vector graphic design application
to sit alongside your existing professional graphic design utilities.
Use it to explore a wide range of generative and procedural techniques in
the production of your own graphic designs. Discover how easy it is to
produce complex designs in an exciting and challenging environment that
questions how contemporary software should behave.
Included on the CD are these plugins:
Nq_297p.Matrix-Pro plug-in. Building on the advanced nq_297p.Matrix
plug-in this version allows you take a single selected object and
reproduce it in a matrix. This plug-in is only available to registered
owners of Auto-Illustrator 1.0 or higher.
Enhanced suckmypixelpro Plug-In Pack. These third-party plug-ins, created
by build on the plug-ins bundled with the demo version by
providing additional styles and options.
Object. Suckmypixel has also produced a handy plug-in for creating your
own xeoObjects quickly and easily - the Instant xeoObject plug-in creates
a .xeo file from any selected artwork, and saves it in your Automations
folder. It makes producing variations on a theme a breeze, as the Instant
xeoObject plug-in varies the selected artwork's positioning and scaling
each time. Note that this plug-in must be placed inside a subdirectory of
the Plug-Ins folder, rather than directly in the Plug-ins folder, for it
to operate properly.
lorenz'. Convert to ASCII plug-in. This advanced plug-in converts vector
shapes into sheets of ASCII characters using stroke weights as point
sizes for the text.