SPSS BASE V11.0 表格契約法規管理大師 完整光碟正式版 (最新V11.0版本唷!)
破解說明: 【安裝序號】
serial= 123456
license code= 4344042296070451317344695734508485024302113079690841032662378796219692693207
SPSS BASE V11.0 完整光碟正式版(表格契約法規管理大師)
SPSS BASE V11.0 完整光碟正式版
SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions)為您提供客戶需求、預測
客戶行為的解決方案, 並把客戶關系管理(CRM)和商業智能(Business intelligence)有機
地結合在一起, 使您和您的客戶之間可以建立更好的互動關系。SPSS 解決方案廣泛應用于
New statistical procedures added in SPSS add-on modules
Ratio Statistics. A new procedure provides a comprehensive list of summary
statistics for describing the ratio between two scale variables, including
coefficient of dispersion, coefficient of variation, price-related differen
tial, and average absolute deviation.
Linear Mixed Models. A new procedure enables you to construct predictive models
when you have a nested data structure. You can formulate a wide variety of mod
els, including Fixed Effects ANOVA Model, Randomized Complete Blocks Design, Sp
lit-Plot Design, Purely Random Effects Model, Random Coefficient Model, Multilev
el Analysis, Unconditional Linear Growth Model, Linear Growth Model with a pers
on-level covariate, Repeated Measures Analysis, and Repeated Measures Analysis
with time-dependent covariate. In addition, you can work with repeated measure
designs, such as incomplete repeated measurements in which the number of observ
ations varies across subjects. Available in the Advanced Models option.
Performance enhancements. General Linear Models, Proximities, Hierarchical Clust
er Analysis (Base system), and Multinomial Logistic Regression (Regression Model
s) now run much faster than in previous releases.
Data management. Restructure data to create a single case (record) from multiple
cases or create multiple cases from a single case.
Database Wizard. Now allows you to automatically recode categorical string values
to numeric variables (using the original values as value labels), auto-join tabl
es using primary/foreign key relationships, and obtain random samples from large
data sources.
Text Wizard. Now allows you to read CSV-format text data that contains text qualif
iers (such as, "1,000", "2,000", ...).
OLAP Cubes. Now allows you to calculate arithmetic and percentage differences bet
ween categories of a grouping variable or between separate variables.
One-Way ANOVA. Now includes the Brown-Forsythe and Welch tests.
Scientific notation for small numbers. You can choose not to see it in your output
(from the Edit menu, choose Options, and then click the General tab).
Aggregate. Median has been added to the list of available Aggregate functions.
Arithmetic functions. Available functions in arithmetic expressions are expanded to
include density functions for continuous and discrete distributions.
Multinomial Logistic Regression. New functionality added to this procedure allows
you to save estimated response probabilities, predicted response categories, proba
bility of predicted response categories, and probability of actual response categor
ies. Available in the Regression Models option.
Categorical Regression. This procedure has been redesigned to make it more powerful
and easier to use. Available in the Categories option.
Categorical Principal Components Analysis. Improvements in this procedure now make
results easier to understand. Available in the Categories option.